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Hackathon and Workshop Resources

This guide details the necessary hardware and software requirements for developing on the Rootstock blockchain.

It includes setup instructions for essential tools such as Java, Node.js, Hardhat, and RSKj, ensuring developers have a clear path to prepare their environment for Rootstock projects, whether for local development, testing, or deployment.

For IRL hackathons and events, download the Hackathon Cheatsheet PDF with QR Codes.


This guide is designed to help both beginners and experienced developers get started with building on Rootstock. The content is organized to help you find what you need based on your skill level.

If you're new to blockchain development, start here! We've outlined the essential skills and tools you'll need to begin your journey.

  1. Basic Programming Knowledge
    Familiarity with programming languages like JavaScript or Python will be helpful, even if you're new to blockchain development.

  2. Understanding Blockchain Basics
    Learn about blockchain technology, smart contracts, and dApps before diving in. We recommend starting with introductory resources on blockchain concepts.

  3. Intro to Web3 Development Tools
    While not strictly necessary to start, getting a basic understanding of tools like Remix IDE for smart contract development will make your journey smoother. We have beginner-friendly tutorials available here.

  4. Version Control with Git (Optional)
    Learning basic Git and GitHub skills can help you manage projects and collaborate with others.

Start building your first dApp using hardhat Quickstart Guide for Beginners.

Tools to Speed Up Your Development

These tools will make it easy for you to build on Rootstock:

  • Remix IDE: An integrated development environment tailored for smart contract development.
  • Hardhat: A flexible development environment for building and deploying smart contracts.
  • JavaScript and Python libraries for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain.
  • Rootstock Explorer: A blockchain explorer to view transaction details on the Rootstock network.
  • RPC API: The RPC API provides a seamless and intuitive web interface for developers to interact with Rootstock nodes via JSON-RPC methods.

Explore the full list of tools and libraries available on Rootstock.

Prerequisites page

For more information on specific requirements for developing on Rootstock, Visit the Prerequisites page page.

Rootstock Hackathon Cheatsheet

The Rootstock Hackathon Cheatsheet is a concise reference guide for developers aiming to deploy decentralized applications (dApps) on the Rootstock network.

Starter Kits

Quickstart Kits/SectionsDescriptionPrerequisitesAction
Wagmi Starter KitThis starter kit provides a foundation for building decentralized applications (dApps) on the Rootstock blockchain using React, Wagmi, and Shadcn libraries.Basic understanding of React and Web3.jsUse the Kit
Hardhat Starter KitSmart Contract examples, Tests, Deployments, and Tasks for Common ERC Standards (ERC20, ERC721, ERC1155).Familiarity with Hardhat, Solidity, and ERC standardsUse the Kit
Account Abstraction KitAccount Abstraction Starter dApp using Etherspot.Knowledge of account abstraction and EtherspotUse the Kit
dApp Automation with CucumberLearn how to automate dApps using Cucumber Agile Automation Framework.Basic understanding of automation frameworks like CucumberAutomate dApps
RIF Relay Starter KitStarter kit to develop on RIF Relay.Understanding of RIF Relay and smart contractsUse the Kit
Get Started with The GraphEasily query on-chain data through a decentralized network of indexers.Familiarity with querying on-chain data and The Graph protocolGet Started
Get Started with Web3.pyGet started with deploying and interacting with smart contracts on Rootstock using of Python and Web3.pyGet Started
Port an Ethereum dApp to RootstockLearn how to port an Ethereum dApp to Rootstock.Experience with Ethereum dApp developmentGet Started
Deploy, Interact and Verify Smart Contracts using Remix and Rootstock ExplorerIn this guide, we will use the Remix IDE to write, compile, deploy, interact, and verify a smart contract on the Rootstock Explorer.Familiarity with Remix IDE and smart contract basicsUse Remix
Last updated on by Wisdom Nwokocha